Road Traffic Offences
We appreciate that your driving licence is important to you. A disqualification, or even the imposition of penalty points, can have a devastating impact on you, your family and your job.

We offer professional legal advice, information and representation for a range of motoring offences including careless driving, dangerous driving, speeding, speeding disqualification and drink driving.
Other offences, such as speeding, can often be considered trivial and are often routinely, if reluctantly, accepted as fixed penalties. Many cases can, however, be extremely complex for the police to prove. We are often able to provide expert advice that may save your driving licence.
If you have been charged with any road traffic related offence or have been served a Notice of Intended Prosecution, it is important that you are represented by a solicitor. We will do everything the law permits to significantly improve the likelihood you will avoid a driving disqualification and, even if you plead guilty, minimize any driving penalties you incur.

You may face a disqualification as a result of the number of points that you have on your license, this is sometimes referred to as “totting up”. If at any time during a three year period you have 12 or more points on your licence the Court must consider imposing a driving ban for at least 6 months unless you are able to persuade the Court that you will suffer “exceptional hardship”. We can assist in presenting your exceptional hardship argument to the court.
Our team of experts will guide you through your case from start to finish, providing detailed, comprehensive and fully confidential information at every stage. Our motoring offences team consists of a mixture of Barristers, Solicitor Advocates and and caseworkers that together can provide a breadth of expertise that enables us to cover cases on a fixed fee basis that is cheaper than paying hourly rates.

Public Funding is sometimes, but rarely, available for Road Traffic cases. We can advise you on whether you would qualify. If you do not we can represent you privately and will advise you, in advance, of our fees. We try to ensure that our fees remain reasonable and competitive.
​Our Fees
Fixed Fee: £795 + £159 (VAT)
What is included?
Attendance and/or preparation;
Considering evidence;
Taking your instructions;
Providing advice on likely sentence;
Attendance and representation at a single hearing at the Magistrates Court.
What is not included?
Instruction of any expert witnesses;
Taking statements from any witnesses;
Advice and assistance in relation to a Special Reasons2 or exceptional hardship hearing;
Advice or assistance in relation to any appeal.
Key stages involved
The key stages of your matter are based on the presumption that you have entered a guilty plea and have a date for your hearing. They typically include:
Meet with you to provide instructions on what happened;
Consider initial disclosure, and any other evidence and provide advice;
Arranging to take any witness statements. This would be charged on an hourly rates basis at the charging rates set out in the table below;
Explain the court procedure to you so you know what to expect on the day of your hearing, and the sentencing options available to the Court;
Conduct any further preparatory work, obtain further instructions from you, if necessary, and answer any follow up queries you have;
Attend court on the day, meet with you before going before the court. We anticipate being at court for half a day.
Discuss the outcome with you. If advice is required on appeal, this will carry an additional cost.
Fixed Fees for Not Guilty Pleas and Trial and other hearings
Full Day Trial at the Magistrates Court £1695 + £339 (VAT) - this includes all the preparatory work attendances upon and witnesses and attendance at Court .
Half Day Trial at the Magistrates Court £1195 + £239 (VAT) - this includes all the preparatory work attendances upon and witnesses and attendance at Court.
Special Reasons or exceptional Hardship hearing £1195 + £239 (VAT) - this includes all the preparatory work attendances upon and witnesses and attendance at Court.
Please note we cannot provide a timescale of when your hearing will take place, as this depends on the court listing for that day.
​Contact our dedicated Road Traffic department today for more information on: 020 7353 7000 or freephone 0800 051 10 67